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Thursday, August 18, 2011

How I Gained 32 Lbs of Lean Muscle in 32 Weeks After Failing for 7 Years

Things like speed, power, durability and quickness are foremost attributes to have when you're an athlete, pretty much no matter what sport you are competing in. But in the world of high school, college, and the work force, having a body that you're proud of is king...

I started lifting weights when I was 16 with two traditional goals in mind: one - to come to be a better athlete, and two - to build muscle and gain some lean weight.

Ice Crusher

I knew I needed to add some muscle to my skinny frame for sports, but when it came to my public life I definitely needed to add some size, and fast. Being a skinny guy surrounded by friends who all had 20 + pounds of muscle on me didn't make me the most positive guy in the group. I was the last to take off my shirt at the beach that's for sure. I mean, deep down I was a positive kid because of how I was raised, but when it came to girls I always understanding they were finding past me to the guy with broad shoulders and a six pack standing behind me.

How I Gained 32 Lbs of Lean Muscle in 32 Weeks After Failing for 7 Years

I wanted muscle, but I also wanted to come to be an athlete and there weren't any programs around that gave me both.

So, when I was 16 I started working out. Everything I did I found in the bodybuilding magazines. I was doing the same workouts as the bodybuilders, the guys who already had all the muscle they needed, and a lot of them took steroids. I didn't have any muscle, and I wasn't about to take drugs either, so needless to say the workouts didn't work.

Why exactly didn't they work?

• There were just too many reps isolating muscles that I hadn't even began to build yet. I was burning too many calories having basketball institution 6 times a week, and workouts that lasted an hour and a half were just too much.

• I needed to be spending more time on developing the big muscle groups and building my strength. Lifting for high reps and isolating the smaller muscle groups was more or less a waste of time.

• Time was also a factor. I was spending far too much of it in the gym. If you're taking drugs, yah you can workout 5 or 6 times a week because they'll help your body recover. But if you're not, and especially if you're just a beginner, you need ample amounts of time to recover. Lifting 5 times a week was too much, I needed more time to recover, and because I wasn't getting it, I had a hard time adding the lean muscle.

• Due to the distance of the workouts, coupled with my basketball season, there was no way I could eat enough to add weight. I needed shorter, more intense training sessions.

What Bodybuilding didn't give me

Bodybuilding is great if all you want to do is build muscle, but if you want more than just muscle, if you want athleticism, power, speed And muscle, you're going to have to focus on more than just bodybuilding.

The "Unsuccessful Years"

Being an athlete in college was great, but being skinny sucked! It's not that I couldn't get a date, but I just felt like the "second choice" to most girls. I had some pretty jacked guys on my team who looked like men while I looked like a 15 year old boy, even when I was 20 and 21 years old. I was still killing myself in the weight room, my impel was up, my power was up, but my weight wasn't going anywhere.
I began to focus more on doing during college when I was in the weight room. As a consequent I began lifting more, and jumping higher. I was more considerable and faster, but I was the same weight. I fell in love with this kind of training but like bodybuilding, it didn't give me the Everything that I was finding for.

Power Lifting is great but...

I began focusing on Olympic lifts, plyometrics and powerlifting which began to yield results in impel and power, I even gained a tiny bit of weight but I was 'good finding weight.' I was still playing basketball, not getting enough rest or fascinating enough calories to actually add size, but just focusing powerlifting didn't give me the change in my physique that I had been finding for, for so long.

A nagging knee injury that occurred throughout my first season ultimately spelled the end to basketball. After a knee injury forced me to take a break from basketball, I spent a year doing pretty much nothing. Bodybuilding once again became my focus but the huge whole of reps, body part splits and lack of power-focused lifting resulted in the same 'ol few pounds of fat gained, very tiny muscle gained. Overall, I felt like crap. I speedily realized that I needed a challenge, I needed something to push me and I needed a formula that would give me the gains, but I didn't know of whatever that in case,granted this, so instead I decided to take up boxing.

Fighting to Build My Ideal Body

I had always loved the sport and I figured it would be a lot easier on my knee than basketball was. There wasn't the jumping on a hard outside like there was in basketball, not the same kind of stopping and starting either, so I figured I'd give it a go.

I had kind of given up on gaining muscle at this point, spending years working my butt off but yielding zero results does that to you, and adding size was actually a negative when it came to the fight game because of the weight classes.

Instead of size, I now had to form out how to pack as much muscle as I perhaps could into my fighting weight, this also meant losing fat and getting my body fat % lower than ever at the same time! I hadn't even gained any lean muscle yet, how the hell am I going to build muscle and lose fat at the same time?!

My first few months of boxing went great, I fell in love with the sport and I loved fighting. I now had the challenge that I had been finding for, the end goal, something to part my progress; however, the training we were doing out of the ring wasn't production me look or feel like I understanding it would.

It was pretty much all durability based training which didn't give me the power or the quickness I needed to be the best fighter I could be. Reps, reps, and more reps of bodyweight or at the most light weights is what we were doing, there weren't any explosive movements being added into our training at all. The more I trained like this, the weaker I felt and the weaker I looked.

When it came to a fight I felt weak and tired and I knew there had to be someone else way to both look good and come to be a stronger, faster, more explosive athlete. At this point I was fast and had power in spurts but I couldn't put it all together. I felt drained, worn down and exhausted and I knew I needed a change. But to be honest there wasn't a whole lot out there to help me.

Looks never fully left my mind either. I still wanted to build muscle and add lean mass to my skinny frame.

The missing piece of the puzzle

The problem...

I needed help. I think we can all agree with that statement. I had read Everything I could find online, read the magazines, but I wasn't getting what I wanted.

I was positive in who I was, I was positive in the fact that I could cope myself, but I wasn't positive with how I looked. I looked like a boy when my friends looked like men.

Feeling like girls were finding through me felt like crap and may have been something I cooked up in my own mind, but when I added the muscle, I definitely got more looks. I'm not even that big of a guy. I'm not huge by any means, but I'm muscular and athletic, and have a build that got me noticed by girls, and finally got me noticed by the right girl.

The fix...

Knowing that I needed help was one thing, but actually getting the right help was a totally different ball game altogether. Nothing online seemed to help, nothing on Tv and I couldn't find the right literature to fix my problems, so I looked for a job.

There was a gym about 30 minutes from my house that focused primarily on training high level athletes. They had professional and semipro teams on their roster of clients, as well as 'weekend warriors' who wanted to get in better shape and come to be better athletes. I applied for the job as a instructor and got it. My first few days there I got to shadow the head instructor at the gym and the guy actually knew his stuff. I watched him train a few pro football players who had similar 'obstacles' to mine: one of the things they needed to perform was to avow and even increase their explosiveness and power, but also avow their mass during the season. The things they were doing were pretty cool. Lean muscle and explosive power was the traditional focus, I know that I had to add durability into the mix as well.

I ended up talking with him for a bit at the end of the day and telling him about my multifaceted problem. Over the next month he gave me a lot of great training tips, different theories, what not to do and what to do for each aspect of my training that I needed to improve.

Let the Testing Begin...

The Steps I Took that Lead me to Success

• I began lifting 3-4 times a week, depending on my split, which was so much better than the 5 or 6-day splits I had been previously been trying to pull off. I was allowing my body the time and rest it needed to properly recover in order to see the benefits of the training I had been putting my body under.

• I also began eating better, with more veggies, more lean proteins and more nutrients before and after my workouts. Before this, I wasn't giving my body the fuel it needed to build muscle. If your body has no fuel source - in the form of carbohydrates, fats or proteins - it will burn whatever's there, sometimes this means burning muscle muscle. Eating healthier also keeps you healthy, gives you more power and helps you recover.

• For the time being I also kept up my 'in the ring training,' but no longer took part with the team when they did the 'out of the ring' work. I was finding results by the second week, noticeable results. I was faster, strong, had more durability and definitely had power. I also felt more muscular as well which is foremost in my mind.

My instructor wanted to know what I was doing differently that led to my success, I showed him and he was definitely curious.

My next fight I won by decision, then the following one by Ko. Pretty soon after that my instructor put me in fee of the "out of the ring training" for our whole boxing team - for all the guys who were actually fighting that is - and every person began finding similar improvements. I was training guys, myself included, for intense bursts within the 3 minutes of a round rather than just plain and steady work throughout.
I was feeling great with my boxing, but I now wanted to see how far I could take myself with these gains in the gym.

I had been able to add muscle into my fighting weight, but could I translate this into adding pure lean muscle and actually start finding the numbers go up on my scale? I was still in the gym sparring and working with the other fighters, but my fighting took a backseat to the thing I had been trying to do since I was 16 - build my physique to be something that I was proud of.
And so I went to work... On myself.

How did I do?

Over the next 8 months I gained 32 lbs of lean muscle!

I changed my diet and added more calories but also ate 'clean' and had the right stuff at the right times. Along the way I made adjustments to my programs incorporating different techniques, reps, sets, and times for each.

My results shocked me and definitely shocked all of my friends, especially the ones who I didn't see during those 8 months. I was now over 180 lbs of lean muscle, I could cope myself, I continued to enhance my athleticism because of the training I was doing, but I looked like a man, I no longer looked like a skinny tiny kid.

The muscle I gained was lean, I wasn't walking around with any 'muffin tops' or rolls around the mid-section and I could still compete in the ring, on the basketball court or on the ice better than I had when I was competing in each.

I had found my "perfect workout", a habit that made me look better, feel better, and perform better!

Here's an example of what I was doing in the gym:

Monday - Lifting + Shoulders

10 tiny warm-up - everyday even if not written

A. Heavy set - 5 sets of 5 reps - 90 seconds rest
1. Deadlift
B. Giant set - perfect all 3 exercises for 10 reps each - 60 seconds rest after each set
1. Standing Push Press
2. Kettlebell Clean
3. Lateral Raise
I. 2 burnout sets
1. Hamstring curls - 30 reps
2. Bent over lateral raise - 50 reps

Tuesday - Back + Triceps

A. Heavy set
1. Bent over row
A. Giant set
1. Lat pulldown
2. Seated Row
3. Chin-up
I. Giant set
1. Skull crusher
2. Seated triceps press
3. Cable pushdowns

Wednesday - Rest -

Thursday - Quads + Calves

A. Heavy Set
1. Bench Squat
A. Giant Set
1. Front Squat
2. Hack Squat
3. Squat Jump
I. Giant Set
1. Seated calf raise
2. Weighted calf raise
3. Body weight calf raise

Friday - Rest -

Saturday - Chest + Biceps

A. Heavy Set
1. Bench Press
A. Giant Set
1. Clap push-up
2. Incline bench press
3. Incline fly
I. Giant Set
1. Barbell curl
2. Incline curl
Preacher curl

How I Gained 32 Lbs of Lean Muscle in 32 Weeks After Failing for 7 Years

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PlayStation Network's Welcome Back schedule Has Solid Choices

Anyone who hasn't been living under a rock has seen the latest hacker attacks in the news. Sony was hit hard on more than one opportunity knocking its PlayStation Network service offline for over a month. The hackers stole potentially sensitive information from thousands of Psn users in the process as well. What does this mean for the loyal gamers who refrained from trading in their Ps3 for Xbox 360s while this time? The Welcome Back Program. Sony answered this allegiance with a set of complementary downloads and memberships to varied services such as its music service Qriocity and its premium gaming service PlayStation Plus.

Ps3 owners can agree 2 titles from the following list:

Ice Crusher

Dead Nation
Super Stardust Hd
Wipeout Hd + Fury

PlayStation Network's Welcome Back schedule Has Solid Choices

I personally have tested out Dead Nation, Infamous, LittleBigPlanet, and Super Stardust Hd, all of which are great options for free download.

Dead Nation
A birds-eye-view, dual-stick zombie shooter by Housemarque has a similar look and feel to the Dead Ops Arcade mini game in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The game is split-screen and online co-op compatible which is a great expanding since every Psn user will have an opportunity to download this game and friends will most likely collaborate for a social experience. Dead Nation allows for character upgrades, a multitude of levels, and numerous guns to tear straight through the hordes of brainless corpses.

Presentation: Nothing special aesthetically, successfully develops a spooky atmosphere. Unfortunately, appropriate characters and a typical zombie thriller plot detract from the whole potential of the game.

Graphics: varied environments are detailed and fun. At times too many zombies on screen can be difficult to see.

Sound: Blood splattering, gunshots, and hungry zombies, what more sound effects could you want? Sfx are what you would expect, activity packed moments bring about the best music this game has to offer.

Gameplay: Fighting crowds of zombies with a wide assortment of weapons is entertaining. Differentiation in zombie types is appreciated and controls are straightforward to pick up.

Gaming Precision gives Dead Nation a 7/10

What a exquisite time for Sony to issue Sucker Punch's open world, comic book inspired game then right as the sequel is released. For those who missed the first one, the Welcome Back schedule has your back. The potential to be famous or infamous, friend or foe, is a refreshing element often under explored in free roam games. Plus, a souped up, galvanic powered protagonist (Cole McGrath) adds to the kickass...ness of the game.

Presentation: Large environments to witness at your leisure, approved cut scenes and an phenomenal finale. However, I felt as if the city as a whole often blended together and did not stand out. The plot followed a very predictable pattern.

Graphics: The graphics are solid not spectacular. The electricity looks phenomenal and the karma effects on Cole's appearance are a nice touch.

Sound: Not very memorable. Cole's shoes squeak incessantly which bothered me throughout the whole game.

Gameplay: collection of skills and moves for Cole to perform. Tons of side missions and collectables add too long playtime. Sometimes too many enemies onscreen will make you feel overwhelmed and being shot enduringly from the rooftops can be frustrating.

Gaming Precision gives Infamous an 8/10

By far one of the most creative games I've ever played. It gives players the faultless leisure to originate just about whatever you could imagine. A large community adds to the sure perceive of the game with new user-created article being added all the time, especially now that the Welcome Back schedule has brought new life into LittleBigPlanet.

Presentation: Adorable graphics add to the whimsical nature of this side-scrolling adventure. Sack boy is as customizable as the game itself allowing for a personal touch. Nothing of this nature or caliber has ever been done as successfully as LittleBigPlanet.

Graphics: Its graphics are unique, colorful, and very appealing. The visuals are very impressive.

Sound: One word, perfect. The game incorporates music into levels in almost every way. Sound effects are appropriate and humorous. I've even heard some of my favorite video game themes on community levels.

Gameplay: collection defines this game in every way. The controls could be tweaked slightly as sometimes I felt as if Sack boy was controlling himself.

Gaming Precision gives LittleBigPlanet a 9.5/10

Super Stardust Hd
Ever play the old arcade game Asteroids? Well this is its older brother on steroids. Super Stardust Hd is a quick paced, arcade shooter where you control a spaceship and blast just about whatever that moves. It has a very thoughprovoking look which combines 2D functionality with 3D visuals but they function very well together. The game boasts numerous weapons together with the Gold Melter, Ice Spitter, and Rock Crusher all which can be swapped with the press of a button. And the co-op capabilities make for one crazy fun ride.

Presentation: The game is pretty simple. Your goal is to destroy rocks, get points, and not get hit. There could also be more options available.

Graphics: The visuals are pretty stunning. The thoughprovoking colors and sheer estimate of stuff going on is impressive. Lasers and explosions of all separate shapes and sizes will fill the screen and overwhelm a good way. Except for the occasional lag.

Sound: The music changes at each level but it's not overwhelmingly noticeable. The music fits the situation but is not memorable.

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. The manic shooting and addicting nature make this a game you will want to replay often.

Gaming Precision gives Super Stardust Hd an 8.5/10

Hopefully this will help you decree which game on the Welcome Back schedule is right for you. Please post with comments and suggestions!

PlayStation Network's Welcome Back schedule Has Solid Choices

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